Friday, December 7, 2012

Our first month together...

Our first month with Malia has sure flown by.  She is such a sweet little girl with a big personality already!  She is dramatic and at times extreme - either very happy or very upset.  She has been smiling since the day she was born, something I am told is rare.  She is smart (I am not bias at all!), she can hold her own pacifier and follow people around the room with her eyes.  She is strong and can hold her head up.  She loves to kick and stand up with the assistance of her parents.  She is a lover, her favorite past times are cuddling and holding hands.  She is also beautiful, again no bias here.  She has the most amazing dark brown eyes and a truly infectious smile.  We have fallen completely in love with this little baby girl.  We have enjoyed many first with her over the past month.  Having her by our side makes everything that much more special.  Here is what we have been up to as a family through pictures since we arrived home from the hospital...

 When we arrived home from the hospital our house was spotless and we had flowers and gifts from my mom.  It was such a blessing!

 We had meals for 3 weeks from our amazing friends and family!  
 Thank you everyone!!

 Jessica's amazing menu!

 Yummy meal and visiting with Uncle Steve

 First couple nights home were rough but we made it through

 Malia's first Halloween - 6 days old!

 Malia with her mama and 2 best friends and protectors!

 Her first walk

 We only made it around the block!

 Mommy's girl

 After a week of being at home Aaron and I got a little cabin fever... so the animal got mustaches!

Her first bath

She could tell we were amateurs

First photo shoot

Such a beautiful girl

Many faces of Malia
 Can not get enough of her

 First time at church

 Thanksgiving with Aunt Jesi

 Our little family on Thanksgiving

 Getting our tree

 Decorating our tree - she was very excited!

 Happy baby

 Before mom and dad went on a date together 

 First time on her play mat

 Wearing big girl boots
 At church with her buddy Ben

 Wubbanub Love...
 One month old and getting so big

 Had to put her in her crib to convince myself she really isn't THAT big!

 Our angel, we love you Malia!

When a baby is born so is a mother...

My intention was to write this post weeks ago.  As I am quickly finding out, my intentions for each day and what actually gets accomplished are two completely different things.  Becoming a mother has been the single most satisfying and life changing experience.  At the same time, quite honestly, this is the most difficult thing I have ever had the privilege of doing.  

My first day as a mother I realized many things, first, I have lead an extremely selfish life.  Up to that point, life was about me, my ideas, my wants, my needs, my desires.  My only real concerns or worries were my husband and pets.  I could come and go as I pleased and make decisions on the fly.  This is no longer the case.  Every moment of everyday I have to think about this baby and her well being.  I am her lifeline, my body is no longer my own, my life is no longer my own.  

The second thing I realized is how I have taken my own mother for granted.  I have a whole new appreciation for the sacrifices she has made for the past 40 years of raising and supporting my brothers and I.  Being a mother is a tough job that at times is thankless.  Luckily God made me to be Malia's mother, he has specially equipped me to care for her, just as my mom was perfectly designed to care for me.  

The third thing I have realized is that I have an amazing group of mothers around me that have openly welcomed me into this new club of motherhood.  They have supported me, carried me, loved me, answered questions, prayed for me, sympathized with me, encouraged me and helped me to navigate this crazy new world.  

In closing, I have also realized just how blessed our family is.  I have the most loving, kind, caring husband and best friend I could have ever asked for.  Aaron is such an amazing daddy to Malia.  Although incredibly difficult motherhood is everything I ever imagined and more and I thank God everyday for this incredible honor of being a mom.  I love our little girl more than life itself and I can not wait to watch her grow in the Lord and live out His purpose for her life.   

 Our first picture as a family - Malia 1 week old

 Malia and her daddy

 Rockin' her bow and her booties!

 Malia and her grandpa

One of our favorite pictures - Malia 1 day old